The premier wealth management destination for Canadian doctors, dentists and entrepreneurs

Your Dream Board is a one page visual summary of your big goals. It is the first step to building your Financial Roadmap. For every big goal you have, I am going to help you figure out 3 things:


Step 1

Description of the goal and why it is important to you.



Step 2

How much money you will need to accomplish this goal.



Step 3

When will you need that money to be ready.



This is what a Dream Board looks like


Your homework before our call:

Speak to your spouse or family about your collective goals so we can get everyone on board. You don't have to have all the answers, I can help with the details.


What you will get from our call:


A high level overview of your big goals that you can stick to your fridge to keep you motivated.


Advice on how to organize your cash flow so things make more sense.


Answers to your most pressing money questions.

You will get valuable help in this one call.
Get started by booking your Dream Board Call below!
